Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Photos from Can Fit Pro..thanks to all who came out!

A BIG THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO CAME OUT TO SEE ME AT THE CAN FIT PRO EXPO! It is always so nice to see old friends, acquaintances and everyone who shares their love for health and fitness. It's so funny because everytime I go to these expos.. I think "gosh , everyone is in such great shape"! LOL And makes me think I am the one who needs to keep busting ma booty! Why is that? But I think we all think that don't we? We are , our own worst critics ...errrrh! Nonetheless it is always an inspiration for us! Keep posted for future pics....

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Live your LIFE! Don't let life live you! Visit me at CAN FIT PRO!

People always ask me , How do you get things done?, Where does your drive and motivation come from? My answer is, "How do you not get things done?" I think of it like this: Procrastination and hesitation in my eyes are the route to all evil. The minute you hesitate about your goals, your dreams , you inspirations...it only leaves an opportunity for many to hesitate, to doubt, to question their strength, and perhaps what those around them may think. Most people will think about the excuses of the family, the children, work and end up with a preconceived notion that their lifestyle doesn't allow them the time....Sound familiar? STOP Procrastinating! Change your mindset and believe you will get things done TODAY, and not "tomorrow" as "the tomorrow " never comes and only sets you up for failure.
So ...to answer your question, How do I get things done? No matter what is going on in my life, I tell myself that my goals and dreams are what will make me a better person. They are the fuel that make me smile, that make me feel good about myself, that make me want to inspire others . I don't think about what other's may think or that life's circumstances will take up too much time. I LIVE MY LIFE, AND I DON'T LET LIFE LIVE ME!

Nancy D.

Visit me at at Can Fit Pro Conference in Toronto, Fri Aug 21, 09, Metro Toronto Convention Center, South Bldg, 2pm - 7pm
Booth: Central North Saunas
Be sure to come by the expo and visit me at the Central North Saunas Booth. Get your autographed photos, say hello and find out how "Infrared Saunas" are the newest trend in WEIGHT LOSS! Used by many top athletes, 1 session burns up to 600-900 calories...just like you ran 3 miles. Find out more to shed those extra pounds and break down that cellulite! Visit their website for further information at www.centralnorthsaunas.ca
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Yes, I will be there for all those asking for a meet and greet.

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Nancy DiNino
Nancy DiNino.com