Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keep posted for my blog updates from the Arnold!

Well I can't believe it's here in just about a day and a half!
I just finished packing everything I need...and much more. Why is it that you end up packing a million pairs of shoes for a 3 day event. I always over pack , what else is new. I always cringe at the airport when the check in lady saids, "Now place your bag on the scale.."...And then the big red tag that saids "heavy" goes around the handle! get used to it already.
So I am leaving tomorrow thursday and starting the weekend off meeting up with my 3 chicks, Dr. Navarro, C.J. and Ruth S....
Be sure to keep checking back for my daily blogs from the Arnold. And once again, to all the friends and fans...I will be sitting in the women's pre judging at the expo at noon on Friday, so catch me there.
Here's some memories from last year....I love meeting all of you!

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