Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Follow me on Twitter!

Well to follow the new wave, I have also started up on Twitter at

Funny because I am thinking in my head WTF..like I don't have enough pages on the go with myspace, facebook, website etc...and I ask myself how the hell do I have time..but then they make it so convienent in so that you can load it on your smart phone and of course where would I be without my Blackberry! Between the 95 thousand different alerts on my phone between email notifications, text messages BB messenger, facebook, myspace and now twitter...Can you only imagine the on going song my phone plays????? I know pathetic right? But I guess I get to keep all my peeps in the game...so it's worth it..and thanks for always keeping posted and wanting to know what is going down in the life of Ms Nancy the RedStorm!
Visit me at
and if you do a search use my unqiue name with a space at "Di Nino"
Find the daily on my life from the airport stories, line ups that I hate ( for those of you that know me..I don't do line ups) and moreX!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Women's post recap Video footage with Ruth Silverman and Nancy D now on www.IronManMagazine.com Listen to find out how we saw it

Well now that I am back I am able to share my wonderful experiences with you all by way of photos and videos. I have now posted photos on my page ..enjoy!
Now as you know I joined Ruth Silverman, Senior editor of Iron Man Magazine and women's Pump and Circumstance colunmist, this past weekend to bring to you " off the press" updates and the "low down" on what was happening with the women. You can now view post women recap video footage on line at
For direct links to our women's recap in Fitness, Figure and women's Bodybuilding results:
And you can be sure that Ruth and I will always tell you how it is...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A busy Arnold once again!

...Well here I am finally back to my hotel room with a few minutes to post an update. I am so bad...I had the greatest intentions to post yesterday but of course I was completely bombarded by the Thursday and Friday events that by the time I headed back to my hotel...I zonked right out!....yes I am a loser...LOL
So Thursday started with many meet and greets as all the athletes got settled in , attended the athlete meetings and of course it was the night for the Amateur Pre Judging Segment. A big shout out to Christine Lanois who placed in the top 10.
After that we had "girl power" merge together with a later dinner with DR. Navarro, Ruth Silverman and CJ while we caught up on what was goin' down! Imagine the 4 of us out@! Yes 4 strong independent women, AND loud at that !
Friday was spent at the expo watching the pre judging segment for the women. Ruth and I were watching every move making our own assessments of each call out.
I ran into so many fans and thank you for coming out and making the grand effort to find me in the midst of that insane crowded expo. I also spend much of Friday in various meetings I had with industry professionals on future projects. NO! I can't tell you anything yet, but you all know I always got something going on when "something else is going on" LOL
I big shout out to Ahmed Kargar of Physique magazine for coming all the way from Dubai! Just goes to show how powerful this event is bringing everyone together. WE had lots of things to talk about. And thanks to all those interviews from everyone! I love speaking to you all in what ever shape or form and will let you know when I see any of the postings.
I have lots of great photos put of course ...I forgot my uploader card at home..WTF!
Anyway..I have been continuing today with many meet in greets and the post wrap of video with Ruth on the women's finals. Congratulations Jen Hendershott , Fitness International winner, Ziville Radoniene, the new Figure International and Iris Kyle taking her 4th Ms. International title..
Lots more to come...for now...a few minutes to rest!
LUv Ya!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Keep posted for my blog updates from the Arnold!

Well I can't believe it's here in just about a day and a half!
I just finished packing everything I need...and much more. Why is it that you end up packing a million pairs of shoes for a 3 day event. I always over pack , what else is new. I always cringe at the airport when the check in lady saids, "Now place your bag on the scale.."...And then the big red tag that saids "heavy" goes around the handle! Okay...so get used to it already.
So I am leaving tomorrow thursday and starting the weekend off meeting up with my 3 chicks, Dr. Navarro, C.J. and Ruth S....
Be sure to keep checking back for my daily blogs from the Arnold. And once again, to all the friends and fans...I will be sitting in the women's pre judging at the expo at noon on Friday, so catch me there.
Here's some memories from last year....I love meeting all of you!