Well, yes it's that time everyone, a New Year with new goals. Most of you are probably really excited to get back on track with your goals, whether it be to lose weight, get in shape or even stop smoking. Aren't we all? But at the same time once the noveltyof a new year settles down, we also face our fear. Yes, I said "fear". Some often won't even admit it to themselves, but deep down we all fear failure. Well you are not alone. I even question my capabilities with certain things...and then the big DOUBT enters our minds.
I am often asked the question " how do you motivate yourself and how do you keep going?" To answer that , funny enough sometimes I even ask myself, but really I find my answer "deep inside me" I guess my soul always speaks to me, I call it my "self talk" that comes from my subconscious mind. I guess I try to live each day with a "NO EXCUSES" ATTITUDE. Face it , we all try to blame outside circumstances for not being able to achieve our health and fitness goals. We blame work, the children, school, etc. Guess what, they never go away! In fact, the moment you continue to blame outside circumstances , you give away YOUR POWER AND CONTROL", leaving you feeling powerless. So what I am saying is REGAIN YOUR POWER AND TAKE ACTION WITH YOUR LIFE. If you make yourself and your goals a priority, you will make time to making yourself a priority, making yourself feel better and helping you on the journey to achieving your goals. So just like you get ready for work, take care of the children, go grocery shopping, WRITE DOWN YOU GOALS, MAKE A LIST. Once you do that you find yourself committed, just like you would be committed to any other appointment in your day.
Post it on your fridge in the kitchen or desk at work, so it's in your mind throughout the day.
Trust me ....the simple reminder of the list or even a picture will begin to give you strength and motivation.
One thing that keeps me going is I always remind myself that there is always someone "working harder and working smarter".... and then that is enough to kick my ass up again! LOL!!
Believe in yourself..
Happy New Year....luv ya all!